International Conference on Image Enhancement, Computer Vision and Information Technology (IECVIT 2025)


Paper Submission

Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit full-length papers (12-15 pages, including technical content, figures, and references) or extended abstracts (for oral presentations) via the IECVIT 2025 conference website. Manuscripts should be original (not submitted or published elsewhere). Accepted abstracts will not be published in the proceedings; however, they and/or the presentations will be included in the IECVIT 2025 conference program. Furthermore, accepted papers and abstracts will be scheduled in lecture and poster sessions.

IECVIT 2025 places great emphasis on academic integrity and treats plagiarism as professional misconduct. Papers will undergo plagiarism screening, and if identified, the paper will be rejected.

Paper Submission Formatting

Paper submissions for presentations must adhere to the Template format and specifications. All submissions must be in English. Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and authors will be invited to deliver oral or poster presentations.
The page limit for each submission is flexible. The main content of the paper (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgments, etc.) must be no less than 3,000 words. The Abstract should not exceed 1 page. Accepted abstracts will be invited for oral or poster presentations without inclusion in the proceedings.

Submission Methods

Kindly access the HCconf Management System (open soon) to submit your full paper and abstract in PDF format. For any inquiries regarding the conference, please don't hesitate to contact us at:

Plagiarism Check Platform

IECVIT maintains a strict stance against plagiarism. Submitted papers are required to feature original work by the authors, accompanied by appropriate scholarly citations to the work of others. Authors are responsible for clearly delineating their own contributions as well as referencing published results or techniques they have utilized. As a general guideline, IECVIT submissions should incorporate no more than 10 percent of material from prior publications, excluding the References section. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in rejection. Reviewers are tasked with ensuring these standards are upheld.

 Author Checklist

1. Submitted papers align with one of the conference topics.
2. The paper structure is comprehensive, including sections such as "Abstract," "Introduction," "Materials and Methods," "Results," "Discussion," and "Conclusion." The "Acknowledgements" section is included if necessary.
3. The paper does not exceed the designated length (maximum of 20 pages).
4. Spelling and grammar are accurate.
5. Tables and figures are of high quality and well-organized.
6. References are in the correct format, with all cited references listed in both the text and the Reference list, and vice versa.
7. Overall similarity should not exceed 20%, with self-plagiarism limited to less than 8%.
8. The title page in the submission, not the paper, includes complete information on authorship, affiliation, and potential competing interests.
9. Variables, parameters, and boundaries are clearly defined.
10. The corresponding author is indicated in the submission, not in the paper.
11. The references list comprises at least 10 relevant and recent references.
12. All authors are familiar with the Author Submission Policies and Author Ethics.
13. All authors are acquainted with the license agreement. 

Conference Proceedings

All submissions undergo peer review by 2-3 reviewers. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IECVIT 2025 Conference Proceedings, which will undergo evaluation for indexing by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

"NO SHOW" Policy

IECVIT enforces a strict No-Show policy. Therefore, if a paper is accepted, one of the authors or their representatives must present the paper at the conference. Papers without presenters will not be submitted for publishing, and no refunds will be issued for paid fees.

Editorial Decision

- Accept: The paper requires no further modifications.
- Accept with minor revisions: Minor revisions are necessary for acceptance. The revised paper will be reviewed solely by the Editor/Chair.
- Reevaluate with major revisions: The paper will undergo review by the original reviewers (unless they opt out) or assessment by the Editor/Chair.
- Reject: The paper will not be accepted due to major deficiencies, and resubmission is not recommended.